Sourcecode -
components for Lazarus (and Delphi)
Still some of the components
shown on this page do work under both
LAZARUS and older Delphi 5 or 6. But I
do not work with Delphi anymore. So lots of
code will only work under Lazarus in the
future. Currently we are at 2.0.10 Lazarus, so
maybe some untouched code will not work
properly anymore, sorry.
- DLLconnect - access Objects in a DLL
.. more .. Download
- TBorderPanel - usable as a LED
component .. more
.. Download
- TDigitLed - one of the "thousands of
LED components .. more
.. Download
- TDSMixer - a Audio component based on
DirectX 8 .. more
.. Download
- THighResTimer - a nonvisual component
.. more ..
- TLed1 - a component based on
TGraphicControl .. more
.. Download
- TLSRClock and TLSRColorButton - two
components in one package
.. more .. Download
- TMidiInput and TMidiOutput - MIDI Low
Level Components .. more
.. Download
- mpg123 DLL Example - decode MP3
Yourself in Lazarus and Delphi
.. more .. Download
- PortAudio + PortMidi Examples - basics
about how to use PortAudio + PortMIDI
.. more .. Download
- LibsamplerateTest Examples - basics
about how to use the Libsamplerate.DLL ..
more .. Download
- LibSndFile Examples - basics about how
to use the libsndfile DLL ..
more .. Download
I didn't create any package file - under Delphi
just create a package Yourself:
choose the menu item "component / install
Component" and then select Tab "into new
package" ..
If You know any improvements or bug fixes,
please let me know : 
Please also take a look at:
- www.picsoft.de/compon.htm
Maybe You will find something useful there for
You, for example .. :
component for Lazarus
KGrid - a Grid
component for Lazarus and Delphi
Please also take a look at:
Freebyte's Guide to free
Delphi programming
is a Audio component
The DSMixer component manages
playback of audio files enabling
per channel control of volume,
pan, pitch, fading and also
access to each channel's audio
data in PCM format while
The archive also contains the
required header files for DirectX
The original Author is Carlos
The component was slightly
changed by me to make it compile
under LAZARUS. But ATM I don't
have the time to thorougly test
if it runs correctly under
Please click here to download
the TDSMixer Component ZIP
file !
Two Demo Apps (coded in Delphi)
are included.
Example code for Lazarus and
Delphi V 0.07 |
is a fast console MPEG Audio
Player and decoder library
The wrapper files for mpg123.dll
have been written under Windows
XP, with Lazarus 1.6 and
Delphi 6. They possibly do
not compile under Linux, Mac or
Windows 64 bit. If You know any
bug fixes, please let me know !
The wrapper files are a direct
translation of the original C
header file so a "original
Author" can not be named here.
There are two wrapper files, one
for linking on start time, one
for linking manually on runtime.
Both files do work under LAZARUS
and DELPHI - since V 0.05
Please click here to download
the example source code for
Lazarus and Delphi !
Back to top
is a Grid Component
This component does work under
under Lazarus 1.6 it compiles
now (2016-06-10)
but crashes on destroy:
There's some Assembler code left
that prevents the component from
runnig under Lazarus 1.6
ATM I have no time to fix these
bugs .. maybe You know a
solution .. ?!
Please click here to download
the TSortGrid Component !
* Search and Filter: Easy and
fast, fully customable
* Sort: Different sorts, like
numbers, date, your own
* Load & Save: Save to file
and registry, export to CSV
* MultiSelect: Using Ctrl and
Shift keys
* Components: Add button, picklist
or checkbox to a cell
* Paint: Draw cells in lot of
different ways
* Print: Print the grid, with
* Auto size Columns and much